If Hugs Had Flavors™️…

If Hugs Had Flavors: Mizzi Musings! 


At Mizzi, we like to think of our products as big, happy hugs for your lips, face, body, mind and spirit. We aspire to create with joy, purpose, calm, and the highly intentional mindset of delivering the best results possible for each client in our care, every day. 

Our philosophy and program are driven first by the use of safe, scientifically sound, sustainable, sublime and second to none ingredients, such that we are most able to cultivate premier, wellness forward, products for healthy humans, near and far. 

The Mizzi Line is designed to EMBRACE you—the entire you—your spirit, style, energy, dreams, hopes, behaviors, challenges, and life space. An embrace is about abundance: Abundance of love, comfort, healing, happiness, care of self, care of others, care of the present, care of the future, care of the universe. At Mizzi, we love the essential oils and natural fragrances that define many of our seasonal and signature items. 

So, for a bit of fun (and let’s face it, who doesn’t need more fun in their lives right now?), we thought it might bring a smile to your face to imagine hugs with flavors.  


 If Mizzi flavors equaled hugs with love, happiness and wellness properties— what might that be like? 

And more imaginatively, which embrace would you need most, and when? 

Would it vary from hour to hour, day to day, week to week? 

What kind of hug inspires you to be your favorite, nurtured self??!!! 

Hugs With Flavors~ A Sampling, Of Sorts! 


Bergamot Embrace ~The citrus hug that clears up acne, repairs cells, fights infection and adds a hint of Sicilian, countryside flair to your day!

Lavender Embrace~ The calm and cool hug that rejuvenates skin, curbs anxiety, improves sleep and relieves headaches. That’s a yeah, baby. 

Lemon Embrace~ The hug that boosts your mood, increases mental clarity, fights exhaustion and depression and kills harmful viruses. Extra on that, please. 

Sweet Hibiscus Embrace~ The hug full of antioxidants, super- powered to destroy free radicals, leaving skin moisturized, toned, more youthful and glow-y! Can I get an “Amen” for skin- joy hugs all around? 

Pomegranate Embrace~ The hug of luxury and exquisite taste, it reduces joint pain, swelling, and is known for soothing eczema, sunburn, & psoriasis. Bonus points for a hug with restorative and anti-aging power. How’s that for embracing with purpose? 

Vanilla Embrace~ The hug from the Queen! What isn’t a vanilla embrace good for? Vanilla hugs work for PMS relief, and they reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, mitigate depression, and improve sex drive. Delightfully rich and aromatic, a vanilla hug might solve all our problems.. Hallelujah! 

Peppermint Embrace~ A catch-all kinda hug, with plumping power for the lips, and soothing skills for almost everything else. A simple yet sophisticated hug for muscle aches, joint aches and itching, peppermint is able to leap coughs and colds in a single bound, improve mental function and squash stress. O to the M to the G. 

Lemongrass Embrace~ The hug for foodies (Gimme a “Woot -woot”, Thai cooking!), for skin lovers and body/mind healers. Deliciously citrus-y with a healthy, grassy stalk great for its anti-bacterial and anti-fungal strength. Lemongrass hugs improve GI health, ease arthritis pain and are amazing for stress relief and massage therapy applications. Truly, the hug for all ages. 

Blue Tansy Embrace~ A universally beloved hug for repairing damaged skin. Also a great soother of nervous energy, anxiety, and depression, blue tansy flavored hugs are amazing for clearing acne and relegating blemishes to mere memory status. Think: Wonder Woman hugs for complete renewal.

Arnica Embrace~ The hug that is best at relieving muscle aches and pains, arnica is your go-to for decreasing discomfort from inflammation. This little powerhouse packs a literal punch, when you are punch-drunk achy with muscle soreness. It’s also spectacular at reducing bruising and expediting healing time. Let’s go, arnica! 

Essential oils are essential for a reason. They cure many ailments, increase our body’s ability to fight stress in all its forms, and leave us feeling better about, well, everything.  

We truly hope you found our playful, little, blog entry entertaining and informative today. We appreciate you—flavors and all! 


The Mizzi Team 



Lavender Fields Forever, Mizzi Style™️


Hone & Harness~ Here’s to Habit Resets™️