Astragalus in Aftercare ~ Benefits for Lips

What is Astragalus? 

Astragalus is a beautiful herb that has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Being a perennial, Astragalus will come back every year after it is first planted, which is key for a medicinal plant. It is originally native to northeastern parts of China, but has also bloomed in parts of Mongolia and Korea.  

In Chinese, Astragalus is pronounced as “huang qi.” This translates to “yellow life energy” due to the yellow hue of the plant’s root. Because it is a staple in Chinese medicine, it quite literally gives life to those who consume its plethora of benefits (VeryWell Health, 2022). 

While such a stunning plant, it is the root that the real gold lies. The root is the home to active plant compounds, or the chemical properties that help promote good metabolic health. Astragalus root is typically “made into many different forms of supplements, including liquid extracts, capsules, powders and teas,” (Healthline, 2018). There are even some instances where this herb can be administered intravenously, or through an IV in a hospital.  

For such a seemingly popular plant, we bet you haven’t heard of it. That could be because Astragalus didn’t make its way to North America until the 1950s.  

According to herbalist Stephen Buhner, "it wasn't widely used until the 1960s, when Eastern herbs became popular among western herbalists, (iHerb, 2022). And it made quite the impact! Keep reading to learn about the benefits of Astragalus and where you can find it at Mizzi! 



Eastern and Western medicine practices have some stark differences that cause herbs to be used in different ways. The same goes for the uses of Astragalus. 

“Chinese medicine traditionally used Astragalus to improve immune defenses. Whereas Astragalus has been used in Western herbal medicine to stimulate the body’s immune system responses, while also supporting the immune system to fight illness, (Fusion Health, 2023). 

Essentially, the east used Astragalus to defend and the west adopted this herb with the intention it would stimulate metabolic function and fight of any potential compromising microorganisms. 

Here are some other benefits of Astragalus: 

  • Increases circulation 

  • Improves skin cell quality and appearance 

  • Restores natural balance of the skin 

  • Removes toxins 

  • Stimulates collagen production 

  • Reduces inflammation 

Astragalus has also been found to be anti-viral and anti-fibrotic, meaning it “prevents the thickening and scarring of damaged connective tissue,” (VeryWell Health, 2022). 


Where Does Mizzi Use Astragalus? 

We use Astragalus topically in our HydraLuxe line, specifically in the Concentrate from the Acute Care Kit. This is perfect for injectors who swear by the Mizzi Mindset that aftercare should never be an afterthought.  

Use the HydraLuxe Acute Care Kit for a shortened healing time, reduced levels of pain and less signs of bruising. You can crack open your kit to use on your patient in the treatment room and/or send them home with their own. Optimize healing post lip injection in just two steps: 

  • Step 1: Brush on Acute Care Concentrate 

  • Step 2: Apply Acute Care Lip Balm 


To learn more about Astragalus, click below: 

6 Incredible Health Benefits of Astragalus (Huang Qi) 


Astragalus: An Ancient Root With Health Benefits 

Astragalus - Mount Sinai 

VeryWell Health - What is Astragalus? 

To learn more about the HydraLuxe Acute Care Kit, click here. 


~ The Mizzi Team 


The Art of Compliance with Irnise Williams, Esq.